"Madhesh, the Madhesi community in Kathmandu also marks the festival's main day at Rani Pokhari. As the waterbody in the heart of the city, Rani Pokhari has special cultural and religious significance." I cannot subscribe your idea. Chhath celebration at Rani Pokhari began after President Ram Baran Yadav's tenure. Banning of Chhath celebration inside Rani Pokhari is a correct measure. Sorry, for those offended. Rani Pokhari has its own history. One cannot celebrate Chhath simply because there is a pool of water.

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I don't think Chhath has been banned and why should it? Even if it is not tradition, we should learn to embrace new traditions in an open and tolerant spirit. Allowing Chhath celebrations at Rani Pokhari will not take away from its history. It will, however, make many Madhesi people feel that the city is theirs too.

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I am one of your regular American readers…. I like to learn of your insights into Nepali politics and current events. But I read today your response to the election results and I think your sources have given you a distorted perspective. The two paragraphs pontificating about the post election America seem like a list of Democratic Party hyperbole . If your readers take that as an objective assessment, they will have Anti American sentiments based on your analysis.

Feel free to look back four year from now to assess it.

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Dear Mr Creswell, thank you for your comment. I am sorry we are unable to see things the same way regarding the Trump presidency. What I wrote was my own perspective, which is generally what this newsletter is. I hope my readers are critical enough to understand that. I hope that what you say is right and that what many people fear will not come to pass. Thank you again for your readership and for taking the time to write.

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